Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Customer Relationship Management - Grow Your Sales And Profits

  1. Profit more from every sale. Why do you keep wasting unrealized opportunities with your customers? You could be making more profits from each sale by managing the relationship right. Cut your costs by managing each accounts productivity.
  2. Sell more to existing customers! It's back to the 80/20 rule. Use it to your advantage and gain more from your current customers. Are you cross-selling, upselling and reselling enough?
  3. Grow your gross sales faster. Once you begin to truly dialog with the RIGHT customer for you, your gross sales will skyrocket. Narrow and deep is better than wide and shallow.
  4. Shorten the repeat sales cycle. Get more sales faster because you know how when and where your customer wants it. When was the last time you truly ANTICIPATED what a customer would need?
  5. Cut the cost of acquiring a new customer in half. Spend less on wasted marketing. Use those marketing dollars to strengthen your customer relationships.
  6. Get more referrals from current customers! The best advertising is the testimonial of a current customer. Its cheap and most effective. Are you asking for them?
  7. Find new sales growth strategies.Your customers can show you where your growth potential is AND be ready to buy when you launch.
  8. Stop wasting money on ineffective sales and customer service efforts. If you are out of touch, then your customers probably won't care what you have to say when you say it because its not what they want to hear and doesn't address their needs.
  9. Retain your customers. Why are you losing your goldmine? Put together some customer retention ideas. After all what have you done to appreciate them lately?
  10. Stop wasting resources on less profitable/no profit customers. Not all customers are good customers. At some point you have to make a decision who you can serve the best. Analyze your sales data. Talk to your customers. Those relationships that are most profitable need you time and commitment to keep growing. The best part is as they grow, so do your profits.

Gain true competitive advantage. Start structuring your company to make more profitable sales while spending less money. True growth comes from understanding your customer. Find the time to set up a CRM strategy. It's worth it.

  1. Profit more from every sale. Why do you keep wasting unrealized opportunities with your customers? You could be making more profits from each sale by managing the relationship right. Cut your costs by managing each accounts productivity.
  2. Sell more to existing customers! It's back to the 80/20 rule. Use it to your advantage and gain more from your current customers. Are you cross-selling, upselling and reselling enough?
  3. Grow your gross sales faster. Once you begin to truly dialog with the RIGHT customer for you, your gross sales will skyrocket. Narrow and deep is better than wide and shallow.
  4. Shorten the repeat sales cycle. Get more sales faster because you know how when and where your customer wants it. When was the last time you truly ANTICIPATED what a customer would need?
  5. Cut the cost of acquiring a new customer in half. Spend less on wasted marketing. Use those marketing dollars to strengthen your customer relationships.
  6. Get more referrals from current customers! The best advertising is the testimonial of a current customer. Its cheap and most effective. Are you asking for them?
  7. Find new sales growth strategies.Your customers can show you where your growth potential is AND be ready to buy when you launch.
  8. Stop wasting money on ineffective sales and customer service efforts. If you are out of touch, then your customers probably won't care what you have to say when you say it because its not what they want to hear and doesn't address their needs.
  9. Retain your customers. Why are you losing your goldmine? Put together some customer retention ideas. After all what have you done to appreciate them lately?
  10. Stop wasting resources on less profitable/no profit customers. Not all customers are good customers. At some point you have to make a decision who you can serve the best. Analyze your sales data. Talk to your customers. Those relationships that are most profitable need you time and commitment to keep growing. The best part is as they grow, so do your profits.

Gain true competitive advantage. Start structuring your company to make more profitable sales while spending less money. True growth comes from understanding your customer. Find the time to set up a CRM strategy. It's worth it.